I didn't have a
major mommy brain moment this week, I did have a bunch of little ones. Hmmm
maybe my brain is coming back! One can hope right? So I thought I would give
you a run down of the funny moments this week.
An on going one is
that I seem to not be able to turn when I need to. I get into autopilot while
driving and end up following a route that is familiar but is no where close to
where I need to be. My friends and husband all have just started
assuming that I will miss the turn and remind me well in advance. If I am driving alone, it can take me a long time to get where I need to.
assuming that I will miss the turn and remind me well in advance. If I am driving alone, it can take me a long time to get where I need to.
The other day, I
forgot to put on underwear. This wasn't a "hey sweetie, I'm not wearing
underwear", it was more a "hey sweetie, guess what I
forgot!" I have been dressing
myself for upwards to 38 years. I don't think there is a period in my life when
I didn't wear underwear. So how I could forget this step, that I have been
performing daily for 38 years is a mind boggler. The kicker is that I didn't
notice for several hours, until I left the house and realized my nether regions
were getting an airing that is unfamiliar to me.
I have a guilty
pleasure. No, I don't sit and eat bonbons. I like spiral Kraft dinner. Mmmm
Kraft dinner. I finally had a day that I didn't have to make lunch for anyone.
So I made myself a box. No one else in the house likes it and I can't seem to
find out why. I finished cooking it, and then had to feed Cadadoodle before
eating it. When I went back to my lunch, I was gathering stuff to take it all
to my desk and eat while I checked my email. I grabbed the 2 liter of Pepsi, a
fork and the ketchup. Got to my desk, didn't have my Kraft dinner. So I went
back to the kitchen, stood there for a minute, trying to remember why I came
back, then had to retrace my steps to figure out what the heck I was missing!
Yeah, trip[ 3 to the kitchen, I finally remembered my lunch cooling on the
Please tell me I am
not the only one loosing their mind!
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