Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we get it,
you're a big strong man. Now stop your stupid looking chest puffing and treat
the woman you pledged your life to with respect!
This last week, I
have spoken to several people about bullying and outright abuse that has been
happening in relationships around me. It makes me sad, and angry, and
Sad that these
women (I am not letting women that bully their husbands off the hook here,
they just all happen to be women that I know) believe they deserve to be
treated this way. Angry that the men that are supposed to be taking care of
them are failing so miserably and frustrated because I remember believing in
that misconception and I know that right now, none of them are at a point of
strength that they are ready to do something about it.
So I decided to
write this post to those women in my life that are being bullied and lied to
by the one person that should be swimming through shark infested waters to
bring them an ice cold Pepsi.
Here are some of
the lies I hear you believing, and the truth you should see behind them.